Why Professional Translators are Irreplaceable

There any many benefits to investing in professional translators; from a larger market share and global recognition, to simply growing your business. However, when choosing your language service professional, it’s important to make sure they are just that – a professional. There’s a reason that many people with language proficiency choose to pursue further education, and that’s because they want to improve the quality of their language knowledge and learn how to apply that in a professional environment.


Many professional translators choose to specialize in certain areas from legal and medical translations, to automotive and marketing. This gives them knowledge beyond the average person, meaning your translation is not only of a high standard, but also ensures that it’s completely accurate. Often with specialized translation, the wording of the source text is very specific, and the slightest inaccuracy can cause massive problems down the line for the client.


Professional translators are experts in confidentiality. They understand the importance of protecting the client at all times, something that the average person may not understand to the full extent. When working across a large number of projects, as professional translators must do, they often come across text for sensitive matters, unreleased projects or simply, matters that are private to the client. When dealing with a professional translator, you can rest assured that your documents are in the safest possible hands, without worrying about a breach of confidentiality.

Standard of translation

Professional translators are required to train for between 2 and 4 years to obtain their qualifications in translation, with many choosing to study further for specialty translations. These qualifications include studying everything from translation technology, cultural insights, critical evaluation of texts and research methodologies, giving them a unique expertise on how to best translate your documents. This level of education and training ensures that their translations are carried out with the highest degree of accuracy and professionalism that is unmatched by non-professional translators.

Resources available

Oftentimes, professional translators work within a translation agency, giving them access to costly translation technologies. Translation technology is revolutionizing the translation industry, making the process more accurate, less costly and improving turnaround times of projects exponentially. Depending on the project at hand, a professional translator can make use of technologies such as Machine Translation (MT) for large amounts of data, Computed Aided Translation (CAT) tools for improving productivity, Translation Memory (TM) for accessing a database of previous relevant translations and many many more. These resources are usually unavailable to the average person due to the work required to implement them and the cost involved in their purchase.


With a range of expertise and technology available to them, professional translators are equipped to produce more consistent translations, particularly through terminology management and translation memory. This means, as a client, you benefit from their expertise as your translation turnaround is consistently more accurate. With this, you are safe in the knowledge that you can depend on your translator to execute the task perfectly.

With the number of translation projects on the rise, so too are the number of professional translators who are ready to take on your project. At TransGlobe International, we pride ourselves on working with only the most professional and well-equipped team of professional translators, meaning you can count on us to get your translation project right, every time.

For more information on the translation services we offer, email us at hello@transglobeinternational.com or request a quote with the button below.

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