Is There One Universal Balkan Language?

Is There One Universal Balkan Language?

Is There One Universal Balkan Language? If you’re thinking about investing in the Balkans or reaching the local markets, you might notice the many common features of most languages in the region. And you could naturally wonder – might there be a single...
Why Investing in the Balkans is a Good Idea

Why Investing in the Balkans is a Good Idea

Why Investing in the Balkans is a Good Idea Let’s take a look at the Balkans – a mysterious place in South-Eastern Europe situated on the crossroads between Europe and Asia. We’ll explore how the Balkan countries fit in the global investment picture...
A Love Story About Subtitle Translation

A Love Story About Subtitle Translation

A Love Story About Subtitle Translation Language is all around us. We speak it, we write it, we translate it. We hear it, we read it, we stumble with it. Sometimes we even abuse it. It comes naturally, more or less, for each of us. How about feelings then? Can we...
How to Save Money on Translation Services

How to Save Money on Translation Services

How to Save Money on Translation Services Investing in translation can be a daunting task for many companies, particularly when budgets are small. However, the return-on-investment for translation efforts has massive potential, especially for business expansion! We at...
Why Professional Translators are Irreplaceable

Why Professional Translators are Irreplaceable

Why Professional Translators are Irreplaceable There any many benefits to investing in professional translators; from a larger market share and global recognition, to simply growing your business. However, when choosing your language service professional, it’s...
Terminology Management

Terminology Management

Terminology Management We define terminology as the study of terms and their use in text. Many companies have a set collection of terms that they use to consolidate their brand across platforms and aid continuity. However, when translating those terms, the true...
Bulgarian Christmas Traditions

Bulgarian Christmas Traditions

Bulgarian Christmas Traditions Christmas is a very important time of year for us in Bulgaria, with lots of traditions to follow. With our office here in beautiful Sofia, Bulgaria, we’re proud to embrace a number of unique Christmas traditions! Christmas is one of the...
CAT Tools for Dummies

CAT Tools for Dummies

CAT Tools for Dummies Computer Aided Translation tools (CAT tools) are computer applications that help and assist in translating content from its original language to the target language. CAT tools enhance the productivity and consistency of translation while keeping...
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